What is moksha?

the caste of priests

becoming one with Brahman

the first set of sacred hymns

a teacher in Hinduism

B. becoming one with Brahman

The correct answer is B. becoming one with Brahman.

Moksha is a concept in Hinduism that means liberation or release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. It is considered the ultimate goal of human life. It is the state of achieving liberation and becoming one with Brahman, which is the ultimate reality or supreme cosmic power in Hinduism. Achieving moksha means breaking free from the cycle of suffering and attaining eternal bliss and union with Brahman.

To find this answer, you can refer to various authentic sources such as books on Hinduism, scholarly articles, or reliable online resources. These sources will provide a detailed explanation of the concept of moksha in Hindu philosophy.

B. Becoming one with Brahman