Grade 7 math unit 3 lesson 2

Question 1 was selective pressure
Question 2 is natral selection
Question 3 is changes in the environment can only act on exisying variations in a population
Question 4 is becomes more common in the population
Is this correct?
Im scared to submit if not.

Yes, this is correct.


Yes, your answers are correct for Grade 7 math unit 3 lesson 2. Please feel confident to submit your answers.

Based on the information you provided, it is difficult for me to determine if your answers are correct because I do not have access to the specific content of Grade 7 math Unit 3 Lesson 2. However, I can provide you with general information about how to check the accuracy of your answers.

1. Selective pressure: To check if your answer is correct, you can review the lesson material or textbook to ensure that you have accurately defined and described selective pressure. If you're still unsure, you can consult your teacher or classmates for clarification.

2. Natural selection: Similarly, review the lesson material or textbook to verify if your answer aligns with the definition and concept of natural selection. You can also compare your answer to any examples or explanations provided in the lesson.

3. Changes in the environment can only act on existing variations in a population: This is a statement about how natural selection works. To determine if your answer is correct, consider the principles of natural selection and whether the concept of existing variations is consistent with the material covered in the lesson. Again, consulting your teacher or classmates can be helpful for clarification.

4. Becomes more common in the population: This statement aligns with the general idea of how natural selection operates. However, it's best to review the specific context and examples given in the lesson to confirm that your understanding is accurate.

Remember, if you are uncertain about any answers, it's always a good idea to ask your teacher for guidance before submitting your work.