Which choice shows the best way to revise the underlined sentence below so that the sentences are consistent in terms of their style and tone?

Fifty milliliters of water were poured into a small metal pot. I flicked the electric burner on to make the water heat up on the double. The pot was then carefully placed on the hot burner. The water was then heated until it began to boil.

I turned on the electric burner to quickly heat the water.

Then you turn the electric burner on to rapidly heat the water.

The electric burner was turned on to quickly heat the water.

We nervously switched on the burner and waited impatiently for the water to heat up.

C. The electric burner was turned on to quickly heat the water.

The best choice to revise the underlined sentence for consistency in style and tone is:

A. I turned on the electric burner to quickly heat the water.

To determine the best way to revise the underlined sentence for consistency in style and tone, we should analyze the given options.

Option A, "I turned on the electric burner to quickly heat the water," maintains a consistent first-person point of view. The use of "quickly" matches the tone of the original sentence, suggesting a rapid heating process.

Option B, "Then you turn the electric burner on to rapidly heat the water," changes the perspective from the first person to the second person. This is inconsistent with the original sentence and may disrupt the overall style and tone.

Option C, "The electric burner was turned on to quickly heat the water," changes the sentence structure to passive voice. This style is different from the active voice used in the original sentence, and it may affect the consistency of the style and tone.

Option D, "We nervously switched on the burner and waited impatiently for the water to heat up," introduces additional details about the emotions of the person performing the action. While this may add more depth to the sentence, it also deviates from the concise and straightforward tone of the original sentence.

Based on the analysis above, the best choice to revise the underlined sentence for consistency in terms of style and tone is A.