A student is writing a research report about the importance of sunscreen. The student found the following source about sunscreen. Read the source and complete the task that follows.

Protect Your Skin

You might be thinking to yourself, "If I am not going to the beach or swimming in the pool, then I do not need sunscreen," but you are wrong. Many do not know that the cancer–causing ultraviolet radiation (UVR) that the sun produces can be harmful. Even when you are not at the beach or by the pool. That is why it is important to apply sunscreen every day. Especially on overcast days since the sun's rays can go through clouds and even fog. Sunscreen should be applied in the morning before you go outside and every two hours afterwards if you are sweating or swimming, as these activities may wash away the sunscreen. Also, you should use sunscreen that has an SPF 15 or higher. SPF is a measurement of protection against UVB rays. Recently most sunscreens are "broad–spectrum," meaning they protect against both UVB and UVA rays. This is the best type of sunscreen because it provides the most protection from the sun. It is necessary to understand the importance of sunscreen and to be smart when choosing which sunscreen to use.

Which of the following claims is not supported by evidence from the source above?
All sunscreens protect against UVA and UVB rays.

Sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher should be used.

Everyone should wear sunscreen when they go to the pool or beach.

Sunscreen should be applied when it is overcast.

C. Everyone should wear sunscreen when they go to the pool or beach.

D= Sunscreen should be applied when it is overcast.

Overcast= gray clouds/dull
So that can't be the answer.

To find the answer to this question, we need to analyze the information provided in the source. The source states that "most sunscreens are 'broad–spectrum,' meaning they protect against both UVB and UVA rays. This is the best type of sunscreen because it provides the most protection from the sun."

Based on this information, we can eliminate option A, as it is supported by the evidence from the source. The source does state that broad-spectrum sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays.

Next, the source mentions that sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher should be used. This supports option B, so it is not the claim that is not supported by evidence.

The source also does not mention anything about going to the pool or beach specifically. It emphasizes the importance of wearing sunscreen every day, even when not at the beach or by the pool. Therefore, option C is not supported by evidence.

Finally, the source does mention that sunscreen should be applied on overcast days, stating that the sun's rays can go through clouds and even fog. This supports option D, so it is not the claim that is not supported by evidence.

Based on this analysis, the claim that is not supported by evidence from the source is option C: Everyone should wear sunscreen when they go to the pool or beach.
