Which of the following statements about electrical charges is true

like charges and opposite charges have no affect on one another

opposite charges attract one another

like charges attract one another

opposite electrical charges repel one another
I think that it is opposite charges attract one another am i right?

Yes, you are correct. Opposite charges attract one another.

Yes, you are correct. The statement "opposite charges attract one another" is true regarding electrical charges.

To understand why opposite charges attract, we need to know the basic concept of electrical charges. Electrical charges can be positive or negative. Like charges refer to two charges of the same type, either both positive or both negative, while opposite charges refer to two charges of different types, one positive and one negative.

The behavior of electrical charges is governed by Coulomb's Law, which states that opposite charges attract each other, while like charges repel each other. The magnitude of the force between the charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Therefore, when two charges with opposite signs come close to each other, they exert an attractive force on each other due to the presence of electric fields. On the other hand, if two charges have the same sign, they exert a repulsive force on each other, which causes them to move apart.

In the given statements, "opposite charges attract one another" is the correct choice.

Yes, you are correct. The statement "opposite charges attract one another" is true. In electrostatics, opposite electrical charges (+ and -) attract each other, while like charges repel each other.