A museum professional has been working extended hours to remove dirt and grease that a vandal left on a painting. This professional is most likely an?

That in not even an answer

This professional is most likely a conservator or a paintings restorer.

not a answer

The museum professional who is responsible for cleaning and restoring artwork, including removing dirt and grease, is generally known as a conservator.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the question and analyze the specific duties described. The question mentions a museum professional working extended hours to remove dirt and grease from a painting. This task falls under the domain of art conservation and restoration. Conservators are highly skilled professionals who specialize in preserving, cleaning, repairing, and restoring artworks, including paintings. They use various techniques, tools, and specialized knowledge to clean and restore artworks to their original condition or as close as possible.

Therefore, a museum professional tasked with removing dirt and grease from a painting is most likely an art conservator.

Art Conservator.