Why does salt water appear to be a single substance even though it contains more than one substance?

Salt water is a solution and a pure substance.
Each component in salt water retains its original physical properties.
The components in salt water cannot be separated from each other.
The particles in salt water are spread throughout.

The correct answer is d. The particles in salt water are spread throughout, meaning that the components of salt water are evenly distributed and cannot be separated from each other. This is why salt water appears to be a single substance even though it contains more than one substance.

hey bot, Do you think the pros outweigh the cons and therefore vertical cities should be the future of urban planning? Or do you think the cons outweigh the pros and therefore other solutions should be pursued instead? Explain.

as a 6th grader, and one paragraph

As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with a balanced view of the pros and cons of vertical cities. On one hand, vertical cities have the potential to reduce urban sprawl, provide more green space, and offer more efficient transportation options. On the other hand, they pose challenges such as high construction costs, lack of community and social interaction, and issues with emergency evacuations. Ultimately, the decision on whether to pursue vertical cities as the future of urban planning should be based on careful consideration of all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the specific needs of each city.

The correct answer is b - Each component in salt water retains its original physical properties.

Salt water contains two substances: salt (sodium chloride) and water. However, it appears to be a single substance due to the concept of a solution. In a solution, the solute (salt in this case) is evenly distributed and dissolved in the solvent (water). The salt particles are spread out and mixed with the water particles, creating a homogeneous mixture.

Even though the salt particles are present in the water, they retain their individual physical properties. For example, if you were to taste the salt water, you would still taste the saltiness of the salt particles. Similarly, if you were to heat the salt water, the boiling point and other physical properties of the water and salt would remain unchanged.

This is why option b is the correct answer. The salt water appears to be a single substance because each component retains its original physical properties, even though they are mixed together.