Facts and examples that support a claim are called

Argumentative Essay Unit Test

1: Evidence
2: An opposing idea
3: His or her beliefs about the topic that is being written about/His or her conclusions that have been formed about the topic.
4: Proven experience in the field they are writing about/A college degree in the field they are writing about.
5: The author has a doctoral degree.
6: Your claim
7: She tells her mother that her right shoe has a hole and that the soles are worn.
8: Formal language uses more varied and complex vocabulary.
9: A question, a quotation, or a call to action.
10: With the point that sharks are a part of the food chain that supports reef growth.
For the next following three questions, i recommend using Wordtune. its a website that rewrites paragraphs to seem original. go the the wordtune editor and when done rewriting, copy and paste the question to the clear slot. here are the answers now:
11: If you provide evidence to support your claim, it gives you a chance to prove the validity of your claim. A claim without supporting evidence, arguments, or logic will almost certainly be discredited as unresearched.

12:Informal: letting students get to keep their chips or candy while they go to recess outside can cause alot of trash showing up everywhere you go. i think teachers should tell the students to keep their candy and chips inside in their backpacks.

Formal: Allowing students to bring snacks outside whenever its recess shouldn't be allowed. More trash will show up then the trash there already is. School staff should inform students to not bring inside snacks they brought from home or bought from the cafeteria outside or it will make outside more worse than it already is.

13: For sixth graders, cats are the best pets. It is easy to maintain, requires little space, and is relatively inexpensive to maintain. Additionally, cats provide companionship and comfort when needed. Research has shown that cats can reduce stress levels and provide emotional support. in conclusion. cats are the purrfect pet for sixth graders!

Hopefully this helped. Have a great day everyone.


Nice work but you got 4 wrong it’s the author has a doctoral degree and the book has a recent publication date.

5 not 4

Facts and examples that support a claim are called evidence. Evidence is crucial in building a strong argument or presenting a convincing case. It helps to provide objective, verifiable information that supports the validity of a claim or statement.

To gather evidence to support a claim, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the claim: Clearly state the main point or argument you wish to support.
2. Determine the type of evidence needed: Consider what kind of evidence will be most effective in supporting your claim. This can include facts, statistics, expert opinions, case studies, anecdotes, or examples.
3. Research the topic: Conduct thorough research to find relevant information and data that directly relate to your claim.
4. Evaluate the sources: Ensure that the sources you use for evidence are reliable, accurate, and reputable. Academic journals, reputable publications, and expert opinions are often good sources of evidence.
5. Present the evidence: Clearly present your evidence in a logical and coherent manner, making sure to clearly connect it to your claim. Use proper citations or references to give credit to the sources you've used.
6. Analyze the evidence: Explain how the evidence supports your claim. Discuss the context, relevance, and significance of the evidence in relation to your argument.
7. Anticipate counterarguments: Consider possible opposing viewpoints and address them by providing counter-evidence or counter-arguments that refute those opposing viewpoints.
8. Draw conclusions: Summarize the evidence and explain why it supports your claim, reinforcing the overall strength of your argument.

Remember, evidence plays a critical role in developing persuasive arguments and providing support for claims. It helps enhance credibility, convince others, and adds weight to your position.