Round off 1 704 nearest 5


To round off 1,704 to the nearest 5, follow these steps:

1. Determine which multiple of 5 the number is closest to. In this case, we need to find the closest multiple of 5 to 1,704.

2. Divide the number by 5 to find the quotient. In this case, 1,704 ÷ 5 = 340.8.

3. Identify the closest whole number to the quotient. In this case, the closest whole number to 340.8 is 341.

4. Multiply the closest whole number by 5 to get the rounded value. In this case, 341 × 5 = 1,705.

Therefore, when rounding off 1,704 to the nearest 5, the rounded value is 1,705.

To round off 1,704 to the nearest 5, you can follow these steps:

1. Determine the remainder when 1,704 is divided by 5 by performing the division:
1,704 ÷ 5 = 340 remainder 4

2. The remainder is 4, which is less than half of 5. Therefore, you round down to the nearest 5.

3. Subtract the remainder from 1,704:
1,704 - 4 = 1,700

So, rounding off 1,704 to the nearest 5 would give you 1,700.