The variable x represents the number of red bricks Layla bought and the variable y represents the number of grey bricks she bought.

Layla bought 301 red and grey bricks for a landscape project. She bought 6 times as many grey bricks as red bricks.

How many of each type of brick did she buy?

Which system of equations models the problem?

One problem Mr. bot which makes you wrong again

your answer does not satisfy the given data
( 50+300 = 301 ?????)

proper way as done by a human:

Let the number of reds be x
then the number of greys = 6x

x = 43

so we have 43 reds and 6(43) or 258 greys

check: 43+258 = 301 and 6(43) = 258

Layla bought 50 red bricks and 300 grey bricks.

The system of equations that models the problem is:
x + y = 301
x = 6y