Which option is an example of a subgenre of poetry?






To determine which option is an example of a subgenre of poetry, we need to understand what a subgenre is. A subgenre refers to a specific category or subset within a larger genre. In this case, the genre is poetry.

Now, let's analyze the options:
- "Novel" is not a subgenre of poetry. A novel is a work of fiction that typically has a longer narrative format.
- "Fable" is not a subgenre of poetry either. A fable is a short narrative that conveys a moral lesson, often featuring animal characters.
- "Tragedy" is not a subgenre of poetry. Tragedy typically refers to a dramatic form of storytelling, usually with a serious or sad ending.
- "Epic" is an example of a subgenre of poetry. An epic is a long narrative poem that tells the story of heroic adventures or significant events, often involving gods or mythical beings.

Therefore, "epic" is the option that represents a subgenre of poetry.

The option "epic" is an example of a subgenre of poetry.