What is an inference?

A.) a hint an author gives in the story

B.) a detail the author provides in a text

C.) an idea that an author explicitly states

D.) a conclusion based on what an author states and does not state

D. a conclusion based on what an author states and does not state

Just took the quick check here's the answers:

1. What does explicit mean?

Information stated directly

2. What is an inference?

a conclusion based on what an author states and does not state

3. How does textual evidence help a reader make an inference?

Readers analyze the details explicitly stated in a text to make an inference.

4. Use the paragraph to answer the question. Luiza clutched her violin under her chin. She felt every eye in the room on her and was aware that everyone was listening closely. She wiped a drip of sweat from her forehead. She wanted to be first chair in the orchestra so badly. Luiza had practiced hard, but she knew the competition was tough. Her hand shook as she brought her bow to the instrument’s strings. Then she began to play.

She is nervous.

Hope this helps!!

Tysm DogCat


An inference is a conclusion that you can draw based on information that is not explicitly stated but can be implied from the given information. In other words, it is a conclusion that you can make by connecting the dots using the clues provided in the text.

To determine an inference, you need to analyze the information given and make logical deductions based on your understanding of the text. It involves reading between the lines and using your own knowledge, experience, and reasoning to fill in the gaps or make educated guesses about certain details or ideas.

Therefore, the correct answer is D) a conclusion based on what an author states and does not state.