The circle graph represents a family's monthly budget if the total monthly budget is 5,000 how much does a family spend on items other than food and housing

cant be answered

missing data

To determine how much the family spends on items other than food and housing, we need more information about the circle graph. Specifically, we need the proportions or percentages represented by each sector of the circle graph. Could you please provide the percentage or proportion for the sector representing items other than food and housing?

To determine how much a family spends on items other than food and housing based on the circle graph, follow these steps:

1. Analyze the circle graph to determine the portion of the total monthly budget allocated to food and housing. This information is usually displayed as a percentage or as a fraction of the entire circle.

2. Calculate the amount spent on food and housing by multiplying the allocated percentage or fraction by the total monthly budget of $5,000. For example, if the graph shows that food and housing account for 40% of the budget, multiply $5,000 by 0.4 to get the amount spent on food and housing.

3. Subtract the amount spent on food and housing from the total monthly budget to find the amount spent on items other than food and housing. Using the previous example, if $2,000 is spent on food and housing, subtract $2,000 from $5,000 to find that $3,000 is spent on items other than food and housing.
