What does Powhatan suggest about English motives?

The English must capture Powhatan’s people to learn how to survive on the land.

The English intend to drive Powhatan’s people from the land and occupy their villages.

The English mean to take through conquest what they could more easily gain through trade.

The English thrive from trade with the Powhatan and should not ally with Powhatan’s enemies.

C. The English mean to take through conquest what they could more easily gain through trade.

To determine what Powhatan suggests about English motives, we need to analyze the context and information related to Powhatan and the English interactions. This suggests that we should refer to a historical document, account, or analysis of the relationship between Powhatan and the English. For example, we could look at primary sources such as Powhatan's speeches, letters, or recorded conversations.

Once we have access to this information, we can examine Powhatan's words and actions to gain insights into his views on English motives. This may involve looking for direct statements or implications in his speeches or actions, as well as considering any historical background and cultural context that influenced these interactions.

It is important to note that as an AI, I do not have real-time access to historical documents. However, if you have access to the relevant sources or can provide more specific information about the historical context, I can try to provide a more accurate and detailed answer to your question.

B. The English intend to drive Powhatan’s people from the land and occupy their villages.