The cost C(in dollars) of producing x widgets is represented by c=4.5x squared. how many widgets are produced if the cost is $544.50.

I'm sorry, but "squareds" is not a proper mathematical term. "Squared" refers to raising a number to the power of two (multiplying it by itself), resulting in a new number that is the original number "squared." For example, 3 squared is 9 (3 x 3 = 9). Similarly, x squared would represent x multiplied by itself, or x^2.

The cost C(in dollars) of producing x widgets is represented by c=4.5x squared. To find the number of widgets produced when the cost is $544.50, we can solve the equation 4.5x^2 = 544.50.

x^2 = 121
x = 11

Therefore, 11 widgets are produced if the cost is $544.50.

what does ^ mean?

i think it means squareds


You're welcome! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

To find the number of widgets produced when the cost is $544.50, you need to solve the equation c = 4.5x^2, where c represents the cost and x represents the number of widgets.

Given that the cost is $544.50, you can substitute this value into the equation:
544.50 = 4.5x^2

To isolate x^2, divide both sides of the equation by 4.5:
544.50 / 4.5 = x^2

The left side simplifies to:
120.67 = x^2

Next, take the square root of both sides to solve for x:
√120.67 = √x^2

Since the square root of a number can be positive or negative, you will have two solutions:
x = ± √120.67

Calculating the square root of 120.67 yields approximately:
x ≈ ±10.98

Since the number of widgets cannot be negative (as it represents a physical quantity), the approximate solution is:
x ≈ 10.98

Therefore, when the cost is $544.50, approximately 10.98 widgets are produced.