Classify the triangle according to side length and angle measurement.

This question cannot be answered without more information. The triangle must be given side lengths and angle measurements in order to classify it.

To classify a triangle based on side lengths and angle measurements, you need to determine if it is an equilateral, isosceles, scalene triangle, as well as whether it is acute, obtuse, or right-angled.

1. Side Lengths:
- Equilateral Triangle: All three sides are of equal length.
- Isosceles Triangle: Two sides are of equal length, while the third side is different.
- Scalene Triangle: All three sides have different lengths.

2. Angle Measurements:
- Acute Triangle: All three angles are less than 90 degrees.
- Obtuse Triangle: One angle is greater than 90 degrees.
- Right Triangle: One angle is exactly 90 degrees.

To classify a triangle, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Measure the lengths of the three sides of the triangle.
Step 2: Compare the lengths to identify if it is equilateral, isosceles, or scalene.
Step 3: Use the angle measurements to determine if it is acute, obtuse, or right-angled.

For example, if the three sides of the triangle are equal in length, it is an equilateral triangle. If two sides are equal and one is different, it is an isosceles triangle. If all three sides have different lengths, it is a scalene triangle. Then, analyze the angles to determine if it is acute, obtuse, or right-angled.

Remember, a triangle can fall into multiple categories, such as an isosceles right triangle or an equilateral acute triangle, depending on its properties.

To classify a triangle according to side length and angle measurement, we consider two aspects:

1. Side Lengths:
- Equilateral Triangle: All three sides are of equal length.
- Isosceles Triangle: Two sides are of equal length.
- Scalene Triangle: All three sides have different lengths.

2. Angle Measurement:
- Acute Triangle: All three angles are less than 90 degrees.
- Right Triangle: One angle is exactly 90 degrees.
- Obtuse Triangle: One angle is greater than 90 degrees.

Combining these aspects, we can classify triangles as follows:
- Equilateral acute triangle: All three sides are equal in length, and all three angles are less than 90 degrees.
- Isosceles acute or right triangle: Two sides are equal in length, and all three angles are either less than 90 degrees or one angle is 90 degrees.
- Scalene acute, right, or obtuse triangle: All three sides have different lengths, and all three angles may be less than 90 degrees, one angle is 90 degrees, or one angle is greater than 90 degrees.