as leader of the republican party Lincoln was outspoken is his view which of the following would best fit his postion

a. Compromise of 1850
b. Dred Scott decision
c. Kansas-Nebraska Act
d. Wilmot proviso

d. Wilmot proviso

To determine which answer best fits Lincoln's position, we need to first understand his views and beliefs as a Republican leader during that time period.

Lincoln was known for his stance against slavery and believed in restricting its expansion rather than outright abolishment. With that in mind, let's evaluate each option:

a. Compromise of 1850: This compromise was a series of laws that attempted to address the issue of slavery in new territories. It included provisions such as the Fugitive Slave Act and the admission of California as a free state. While Lincoln was not in favor of slavery, he could potentially have supported certain aspects of this compromise.

b. Dred Scott decision: This Supreme Court decision in 1857 declared that enslaved people were not citizens, and Congress could not ban slavery in the territories. Lincoln strongly opposed this decision and viewed it as a pro-slavery ruling.

c. Kansas-Nebraska Act: This act in 1854 allowed settlers in the Kansas and Nebraska territories to choose whether to permit slavery. This act effectively invalidated the Missouri Compromise, which had prohibited slavery in certain areas. Lincoln vehemently opposed this act and viewed it as promoting the expansion of slavery.

d. Wilmot Proviso: The Wilmot Proviso was a proposed amendment in 1846 that sought to ban slavery in any territory acquired from Mexico during the Mexican-American War. While Lincoln was not yet a national figure during this time, he shared similar sentiments and would later be aligned with the principles of this proviso.

Based on his opposition to the expansion of slavery and the preservation of a free territory, the answer that best fits Lincoln's position would be:

c. Kansas-Nebraska Act

As the leader of the Republican Party, Abraham Lincoln was outspoken against the Dred Scott decision. The Dred Scott decision, which was a Supreme Court ruling, stated that enslaved African Americans were not entitled to their freedom even if they were living in free states. Lincoln strongly opposed this decision and believed it was a setback for the rights of African Americans and for the future of the United States.