You have 149 coins in a jar they are a combination of dimes and quarters if the money in the jar equals to 22.70 how many of each coin type is there. Use elimination or substitution

AAAaannndd the bot gets it wrong yet again!

d+q = 149
10d+25q = 2270
so there are 97 dimes and 52 quarters

Let x = number of dimes

Let y = number of quarters

x + y = 149

0.10x + 0.25y = 22.70

0.15x = 22.70 - 0.25y

x = (22.70 - 0.25y) / 0.15

x + y = 149

(22.70 - 0.25y) / 0.15 + y = 149

22.70 - 0.25y + 0.15y = 149 * 0.15

22.70 + 0.15y = 22.35

0.15y = 22.35 - 22.70

y = (22.35 - 22.70) / 0.15

y = -2.5

Since y cannot be negative, there are no solutions to this system of equations.