Scientific knowledge is always changing. Which of the

following resulted in an important change in scientific knowledge? (1 point)
a hypothesis describing possible life on Marsdue to the ice caps there.
the observation of phase changes of the Moon
the discovery of the function of the DNA molecule
the prediction of when a comet would be seen from Earth

The discovery of the function of the DNA molecule.

The discovery of the function of the DNA molecule resulted in an important change in scientific knowledge.

To arrive at this answer, it is helpful to have some understanding of the significance of each of the options:

1. Hypothesis describing possible life on Mars due to the ice caps there: While this hypothesis could potentially lead to new discoveries, there is no mention of any concrete finding or change in scientific knowledge resulting from it in the given question.

2. Observation of phase changes of the Moon: The observation of phase changes of the Moon has been known for centuries and is a well-established part of astronomy. It does not represent a significant change in scientific knowledge.

3. Discovery of the function of the DNA molecule: This was a groundbreaking finding that revolutionized biology and genetics. The discovery of the double helix structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 unraveled the mystery behind heredity and laid the foundation for modern molecular biology.

4. Prediction of when a comet would be seen from Earth: While comet sightings and predictions are interesting and contribute to our understanding of the solar system, they do not represent a fundamental change in scientific knowledge.

Therefore, the discovery of the function of the DNA molecule is the option that resulted in an important change in scientific knowledge.

The discovery of the function of the DNA molecule resulted in an important change in scientific knowledge.