how is germany so powerful even though it lost two world wars and being split by the ussr

Germany has been able to rebuild its economy and become a powerful nation due to its strong commitment to economic reform and its focus on international trade. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Germany was able to reunite and become a major economic power in Europe. Germany has also been able to benefit from its strong manufacturing sector, which has helped it become a leader in the global economy. Additionally, Germany has been able to benefit from its strong educational system, which has helped it become a leader in research and development. Finally, Germany has been able to benefit from its strong political and diplomatic ties with other countries, which has helped it become a major player in international affairs.

i know a lot of geography and social studies but this is hard to answer

i did not know that

Germany's transformation into a powerful country despite the aftermath of two World Wars and being divided during the Cold War can be attributed to several factors. Here are some key points that explain Germany's rise:

1. Economic Recovery: After World War II, Germany went through a process of economic reconstruction known as the "Wirtschaftswunder" or economic miracle. It involved implementing market-oriented economic policies, investing in education and research, rebuilding infrastructure, and emphasizing exports. This focus on industrialization and innovation helped Germany become one of the world's leading economies.

2. Political Stability: The division of Germany into East and West by the Berlin Wall brought political challenges, but after reunification in 1990, Germany established a stable democratic political system. This stability allowed for long-term planning and policy continuity, fostering economic growth and attracting foreign investment.

3. Education and Innovation: Germany places great importance on education, boasting a well-developed system that emphasizes technical and vocational training alongside academic education. The country has a strong focus on research and development, supporting innovation and creating a highly skilled workforce. This has helped Germany maintain a competitive edge in various sectors.

4. Strong Industrial Base: Germany has a strong manufacturing sector, particularly in industries like automotive engineering, machinery, chemicals, and electronics. These industries have played a significant role in driving Germany's economy and maintaining its influence on the global stage.

5. International Cooperation: Germany has actively pursued international cooperation and integration. It is a key player in the European Union and has benefited from the economic and political stability provided by the EU. Germany also focuses on diplomatic efforts, aiming to build strong alliances and maintain positive relations with other countries.

While these factors explain Germany's current standing as a powerful country, it's important to acknowledge that history and global dynamics are complex and multifaceted. Germany's rise is the result of a combination of factors that played out over several decades.