What was an effect of Ida Tarbell’s writings?


A) President Theodore Roosevelt gave her a medal for her journalistic efforts.

B) The Supreme Court ordered the breakup of the Standard Oil Company.

C) She was imprisoned for publishing lies about large US corporations.

D) Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act to inspect all foods and drugs.

The correct answer is B) The Supreme Court ordered the breakup of the Standard Oil Company.

Ida Tarbell was a prominent journalist and author who is best known for her investigative articles on the Standard Oil Company. Her writings exposed the unethical business practices and monopolistic tendencies of the company, which led to public outrage and a demand for actions against it. As a result, the Supreme Court eventually ruled in 1911 that the Standard Oil Company violated antitrust laws and ordered its breakup into several smaller companies.

To find this answer, you could have researched Ida Tarbell's writings and their impact on the Standard Oil Company. By examining historical documents, news articles, or biographies of her life and work, you would have discovered the effect her writings had on the breakup of the company.