Where did the culture of the cattle rancher and cowboy originate?

• from Texas, after the buffalo was overhunted
• from the Comanche
• from the need to move cattle nearer the Mississippi River
• from Spain

1: D

2: B
3: C

Correct Answer: from Spain


The culture of the cattle rancher and cowboy originated from Spain. In the early 16th century, Spanish conquistadors and colonists brought cattle to the Americas, particularly in areas that would later become Mexico and the southwestern United States. These Spanish settlers introduced the practice of ranching and cattle herding to the region.

To determine the correct answer, we can evaluate each option:

1. From Texas, after the buffalo was overhunted: While the cattle ranching culture flourished in Texas, it originated from Spain and the introduction of cattle by the Spanish. The decline of the buffalo population played a role in the expansion of cattle herding, as it created a need for alternative sources of food and hides, but it did not originate the culture itself.

2. From the Comanche: The Comanche, a Native American tribe, were known for their horse-mounted buffalo hunting practices. While they had an impact on shaping certain aspects of cowboy culture, such as horsemanship and cattle driving techniques, they did not introduce the culture itself.

3. From the need to move cattle nearer the Mississippi River: This statement does not align with the historical origins of the cattle ranching and cowboy culture. The Mississippi River region was not the primary area where the culture originated.

By process of elimination, the correct answer is:
• From Spain