To solve the equation: \large 24\left\langle34+r\right\rangle=1,200, give the reasons for each of the given steps. What was done to the previous step to get to the current equation?

\large 816+24r=1,200

\large 816-816+24r=1,200-816

\large 24r=384

\large r=16

Word Bank:
Distributive PropertyDivision as the inverse operation to isolate the variableAddition as the inverse operation to isolate the variableMultiplication as the inverse operation to isolate the variableSubtraction as the inverse operation to isolate the variableCombine Like Terms
Blank 1:
Blank 2:
Blank 3:
Blank 4:

Blank 1: Distributive Property

Blank 2: Subtraction as the inverse operation to isolate the variable
Blank 3: Division as the inverse operation to isolate the variable
Blank 4: Multiplication as the inverse operation to isolate the variable

The first 2 was correct.

To solve the equation: 24(34+x)=1,200

, give the reasons for each of the given steps.

What was done to the previous step to get to the current equatio

Blank 1: Combine Like Terms

Explanation: In the first step, the expression on the left side of the equation, "816 + 24r," is simplified by adding the like terms. The constants 816 and -816 combine to zero, leaving only the term 24r.

Blank 2: Subtraction as the inverse operation to isolate the variable
Explanation: In the second step, the equation is simplified by subtracting 816 from both sides. This step is done to isolate the term with the variable, 24r, on one side of the equation.

Blank 3: Addition as the inverse operation to isolate the variable
Explanation: In the third step, the equation is simplified by subtracting 816 from both sides. This step is done to isolate the term with the variable, 24r, on one side of the equation.

Blank 4: Division as the inverse operation to isolate the variable
Explanation: In the fourth step, the equation is simplified by dividing both sides of the equation by 24. This step is done to solve for the variable, r, by isolating it on one side of the equation and getting rid of the coefficient, 24.