How can organic farming impact our current society?

Select all that apply.

A) Organic foods are free of bacteria-borne illnesses and this makes people healthier.

B) Some people have a more nutritious diet since organic farming produces more nutritious food.

C) Organic foods sell for a higher price, and affordability may be an issue for some people.

D) Smaller farms may not be able to participate in organic certification due to the high cost of the organic certification process.

Cakey, just cakey💅🏾

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To determine which options apply, let's analyze each statement:

A) Organic foods are free of bacteria-borne illnesses and this makes people healthier.
This statement is partially true. While organic farming does encourage the use of natural pest control methods rather than synthetic pesticides, it doesn't guarantee that organic foods are completely free of bacteria-borne illnesses. However, organic farming does reduce the risk of exposure to certain synthetic pesticides, which can have long-term health effects.

B) Some people have a more nutritious diet since organic farming produces more nutritious food.
This statement is partially true. Organic farming methods often strive to enhance soil health, which can lead to more nutrient-rich produce. However, it's important to note that the nutritional content of organic and conventionally grown food can vary depending on various factors, including soil quality and farming practices.

C) Organic foods sell for a higher price, and affordability may be an issue for some people.
This statement is true. Organic foods tend to be more expensive than conventionally grown foods. The higher price reflects the costs associated with organic farming practices, such as labor-intensive techniques and lower yields. This can make organic foods less accessible to lower-income individuals or families on a tight budget.

D) Smaller farms may not be able to participate in organic certification due to the high cost of the organic certification process.
This statement is true. Obtaining organic certification can be costly, especially for smaller farms with limited resources. The certification process requires adherence to specific guidelines and regular inspections, which may be financially burdensome for smaller-scale farmers. As a result, they may face difficulties in pursuing organic certification.

So, the correct options are C) Organic foods sell for a higher price, and affordability may be an issue for some people, and D) Smaller farms may not be able to participate in organic certification due to the high cost of the organic certification process.

E) Organic farming can reduce the amount of water and energy used in food production.

F) Organic farming can reduce the amount of pesticides and other chemicals used in food production.

A) Organic foods are free of bacteria-borne illnesses and this makes people healthier.
B) Some people have a more nutritious diet since organic farming produces more nutritious food.
E) Organic farming can reduce the amount of water and energy used in food production.
F) Organic farming can reduce the amount of pesticides and other chemicals used in food production.