How does continuous grazing compare to rotational grazing in terms of effects on the land? Choose one.

A) Continuous grazing can result in a more stable pasture, while rotational grazing can produce overgrazed areas and does not allow plants time to regrow.

B) Continuous grazing can result in overgrazed areas and cause weed growth, while rotational grazing leads to better resistance to periods of dry weather.

C) Continuous grazing can result in less weed growth, while rotational grazing leads to better resistance to periods of dry weather and is more stable for plants.

D) Continuous grazing can result in healthier soil quality and more time for plants to regrow, while rotational grazing leads to less nutrient-rich soil.

Ill eat you out ;)

I bet you would lol~

A) Continuous grazing can result in a more stable pasture, while rotational grazing can produce overgrazed areas and does not allow plants time to regrow.

got some freaks in here ;0


To determine the effects of continuous grazing compared to rotational grazing on the land, we need to understand the characteristics and outcomes of each grazing method.

Continuous grazing refers to allowing livestock to constantly graze in the same pasture for an extended period, with no rotation or rest periods. This method can result in a more stable pasture in terms of forage availability, as animals have constant access to grass and other foliage. However, continuous grazing can lead to overgrazing, where livestock consume plants faster than they can recover. This overgrazing can result in bare patches in the pasture and limit the regrowth of the existing plants. Therefore, option A, which states that continuous grazing can result in a more stable pasture while rotational grazing can produce overgrazed areas, is incorrect.

Rotational grazing, on the other hand, involves dividing the pasture into smaller paddocks and periodically rotating livestock between them. This allows the animals to graze in one paddock while the others have a chance to rest and regrow. Rotational grazing often prevents overgrazed areas, since the livestock are moved before they can overconsume the plants. This method also promotes more even utilization of the pasture, better distribution of manure, and allows plants to recover and regrow during rest periods. In addition, rotational grazing can result in better resistance to periods of dry weather, as some areas of the pasture are given a chance to recover and retain moisture.

Considering these characteristics, the correct answer is option B: Continuous grazing can result in overgrazed areas and cause weed growth, while rotational grazing leads to better resistance to periods of dry weather.