Missions were the primary means of assimilating American Indians into the Spanish _____________ system.

Group of answer choices





To find the answer to the question about missions being the primary means of assimilating American Indians into the Spanish system, we can eliminate the answer choices that do not make sense in this context.

1. Military: While the Spanish military played a role in colonizing America, it was not the primary means of assimilating American Indians, so we can eliminate this option.

2. Munitions: Munitions refer to weapons and ammunition, which is not relevant to the assimilation of American Indians, so we can eliminate this option as well.

3. Palisades: Palisades are defensive fences or structures, which also do not apply to assimilation, so we can eliminate this option.

This leaves us with the final answer:

4. Colonial: The Spanish colonial system involved establishing settlements, converting indigenous peoples to Christianity, and introducing Spanish culture and governance. The missions were religious and educational institutions created by the Spanish to assimilate American Indians into their colonial system. Therefore, the correct answer is "Colonial."