What mountain range overlooks Santiago Chile

The Andes Mountains overlook Santiago Chile.

The mountain range that overlooks Santiago, Chile is the Andes Mountains.

To find out which mountain range overlooks Santiago, Chile, follow these steps:

1. Open a search engine of your choice, such as Google.
2. Type in "mountain range overlooking Santiago, Chile" in the search bar.
3. Press Enter or click on the search button.
4. Look for the most relevant and reliable sources, such as travel websites or geographic information sites.
5. Among the search results, you are likely to find the answer, which is the Andes mountain range.

The Andes mountain range stretches along the western side of South America, and it is the dominant mountain range overlooking Santiago, Chile. The towering peaks of the Andes form the backdrop to the cityscape and can be seen from various viewpoints within Santiago.