Identify the underlined part of speech.

“Dolley Madison, the wife of the fourth United States president, is one of history’s many interesting women.”
A. pronoun
B. adjective
C. adverb
D. interjection

A. pronoun

B. Adjective

To identify the underlined part of speech, let's break down the sentence:

“Dolley Madison, the wife of the fourth United States president, is one of history’s many interesting women.”

The underlined portion is "interesting." To determine its part of speech, let's analyze its function in the sentence.

In this case, "interesting" describes the noun "women" and provides more information about them. It modifies the noun "women" by telling us a specific quality of those women.

Based on its function and purpose in the sentence, "interesting" is an adjective (Choice B). Adjectives modify or describe nouns or pronouns. In this case, it describes the noun "women."