Read Birds of a Feather (online only). Use a T-Chart to take notes on the story. As you read the story, think about the main events of the story. Focus on the conflict the characters face, how it builds, and how it is resolved. Put the events in the left column. In the right column, list what issue or concern each event addresses. These are the topics of the story. When you finish the story, skim it a second time to see if you have any topics you want to add.

As an AI text-based bot, I am unable to physically read or access specific online stories such as "Birds of a Feather." However, I can still explain and guide you on how to create a T-chart to take notes on a story you are reading. Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Preparing the T-Chart: Create a table with two columns, one for the events and the other for the corresponding topics or concerns addressed in the story.

2. Read the story: Start reading the story, paying close attention to the main events that occur. To identify the main events, focus on key moments, conflicts, or turning points in the plot.

3. Record the events: In the left column of your T-chart, write down the main events of the story as you come across them. These events should be significant to the overall plot or character development.

4. Identify concerns or topics: In the right column of your T-chart, analyze each event and determine what issue or concern it addresses. Consider the conflicts the characters face, how the conflicts develop or escalate, and how they are ultimately resolved.

5. Add additional topics: After finishing the story, skim through it a second time to see if there are any additional topics or concerns you may have missed during your initial reading. This step ensures a comprehensive and thorough analysis.

6. Complete the T-chart: Once you have finished reading and identifying the events and topics, ensure that you have covered the major plot points and addressed the key concerns in the story.

Overall, using a T-chart to take notes on a story helps to organize your thoughts and make connections between the events and the issues they address. It provides a structured outline that aids in understanding the plot, conflicts, and resolutions within the narrative.