What is the best way to support a statement made in a discussion?

• changing the subject
• asking a question
• offering a personal opinion
• providing evidence from research

Providing evidence from research

When supporting a statement made in a discussion, the best way is to provide evidence from research. This helps to strengthen your argument and make it more convincing. Here's how you can do it:

1. Gather information and evidence: Before participating in a discussion, take the time to research and collect relevant information that supports your statement. Look for reliable sources such as articles, studies, or data that back up your point.

2. Cite your sources: When presenting your argument, make sure to mention or cite the sources you've gathered. This includes naming the author, publication, and date of the research you are referring to. This lends credibility to your statement and allows others to verify the information if they wish.

3. Use specific examples or case studies: When possible, illustrate your point with real-life examples or specific case studies that highlight the validity of your statement. This makes your argument more tangible and relatable.

4. Present statistics or data: Numbers can be highly persuasive in supporting a statement. Include relevant statistics, graphs, or data that demonstrate a trend or prove your point. Just be sure to accurately represent the data and provide the source.

By providing evidence from research, you are showing that your statement is grounded in factual information and not merely based on personal opinion or speculation. This helps to create a more informed and constructive discussion.

The best way to support a statement made in a discussion is by providing evidence from research. Providing evidence helps to strengthen your statement and give it credibility. This can include citing sources, referring to studies or data, or sharing facts that support your argument. Simply offering a personal opinion, changing the subject, or asking a question may not provide the same level of support or persuasiveness as evidence-based research.