which angle is adjacent to <AFB


2. <EFD

3. <EFC


Answer is not possible

To determine which angle is adjacent to angle <AFB, we need to understand the concept of adjacent angles. Adjacent angles are two angles that share a common side and a common vertex, but do not overlap. In this case, angle <AFB has its vertex at F, so we need to look for angles that also have F as their vertex and share a side with angle <AFB.

1. <DFC: To determine if this angle is adjacent to <AFB, we need to compare their sides. If angle <DFC has a side that is shared with angle <AFB, then it is adjacent. Check the diagram or problem statement to find out if these angles share a side.

2. <EFD: Similar to angle <DFC, we need to check if angle <EFD shares a side with <AFB. If it does, then it is adjacent.

3. <EFC: Once again, we need to examine if angle <EFC shares a side with angle <AFB to determine adjacency.

4. <AFE: This angle already contains F as its vertex, and if it shares a side with angle <AFB, then it is adjacent.

By analyzing the given options and checking if the angles share a side, you can identify the angle that is adjacent to angle <AFB.

The angle adjacent to <AFB is <AFE.