based on th lesson and the quote what was lincolns hope for the future of the union

Lincoln's hope for the future of the Union was that it would remain unified and that the nation would continue to strive for a more perfect union. He believed that the Union should be a place of freedom and equality for all citizens.

Based on the lesson and the quote, Lincoln's hope for the future of the Union was to preserve and maintain it as a united country. He believed that the Union was a strong and necessary entity that should not be divided. His goal was to ensure that all states remained part of the Union, highlighting the importance of preserving the integrity and unity of the nation.

To determine Lincoln's hope for the future of the Union, we need to refer to the lesson and the quote. Unfortunately, you haven't provided any specific information about the lesson or the quote. Therefore, I am unable to provide a specific answer.

However, I can guide you on how to find the answer yourself. If you have access to the lesson or the quote in question, please review it to identify any statements made directly by Lincoln that express his hope for the future of the Union. Look for any discussions of unity, reconciliation, or progress. Additionally, consider any historical context or events mentioned that might shed light on Lincoln's aspirations for the nation.

If you have any specific details or quotes you would like me to analyze, please provide them, and I will do my best to assist you in understanding Lincoln's hope for the future of the Union.