Objective: Apply the speech skills to advocate yourself and persuade the audience for being global-fit and ready to

learn and cooperate with diversity in others. The assessment will start from the first class hour in the year of 2023. We
will go in the order randomly picked by the Spinner.
Five-paragraphed Structured Speech (Body paragraphs should include the three parts in the past three assignments
that must have open-minded trait included and plus the other two traits from your own choices)
Part1 (Open-minded)


To be global-fit and ready to learn and cooperate with diversity in others is crucial in today's interconnected world. It is not enough to confine ourselves to our own beliefs and perspectives; we must develop open-mindedness to thrive and succeed. In this speech, I will discuss three parts that demonstrate the open-minded trait, along with two additional traits of my choice, to advocate for being global-fit.

Part 1: Open-mindedness
Open-mindedness is the foundation for effective communication and understanding. In my first body paragraph, I will discuss the importance of listening to diverse viewpoints. By actively listening to others, we broaden our knowledge and gain new insights. This trait allows us to challenge our existing beliefs, expand our perspectives, and fosters an environment of respect and tolerance.

Part 2: Choice
In the second body paragraph, I will focus on the trait of empathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. By putting ourselves in someone else's shoes, we can develop a deeper appreciation for their experiences, struggles, and values. Empathy enables us to build meaningful connections and establish a sense of unity among diverse individuals.

Part 3: Choice
For the third body paragraph, I have chosen the trait of adaptability. In an ever-changing world, being adaptable is crucial for success. Embracing change and being open to new ideas helps us navigate different cultural norms, languages, and customs. By adapting to these differences, we demonstrate our willingness to learn and cooperate, which ultimately leads to personal and professional growth.

In conclusion, to be global-fit and ready to learn and cooperate with diversity in others, we must cultivate traits such as open-mindedness, empathy, and adaptability. These traits not only enrich our own lives but also enable us to contribute positively to the interconnected world we live in. By actively listening, empathizing, and adapting to diverse perspectives and cultures, we can foster an environment of cooperation and understanding. Let us embrace these traits as we embark on the journey of becoming truly global-fit individuals.