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Explain how mental math can be used to estimate a 15% tip on a taxi ride that costs $23.25. Find the tip using that method

Mental math can be used to estimate a 15% tip on a taxi ride that costs $23.25 by first estimating the tip to the nearest dollar. To do this, we can round the cost of the taxi ride to the nearest dollar, which is $23. Then, 15% of $23 is $3.45. To estimate the tip to the nearest cent, we can round $3.45 to the nearest cent, which is $3.50. Therefore, the estimated tip is $3.50.


thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

do ten percent plus half of that

2.30 + 1.15 = 3.45 or 3 to the nearest $

To estimate a 15% tip on a taxi ride that costs $23.25 using mental math, follow these steps:

1. Recall that 15% is equivalent to the fraction 15/100.
2. Divide the amount by 100, which gives 1% of the total cost.
$23.25 ÷ 100 = $0.2325
3. Multiply the 1% amount by 15 to calculate the 15% tip.
$0.2325 × 15 = $3.4875 (rounding to four decimal places)
4. To simplify the amount and make it easier for mental calculation, consider rounding down the value to the nearest whole number.
$3.4875 ≈ $3.00

Therefore, an estimated 15% tip for a $23.25 taxi ride using mental math would be approximately $3.00.