define disturbance in an eco system what is the difference between light modest and extreme disturbances

Disturbance in an ecosystem is an event that disrupts the normal functioning of the environment and causes a change in the structure and composition of the ecosystem. Disturbances can be caused by natural events such as storms, floods, fires, and droughts, or by human activities such as logging, mining, and farming.

Light disturbances are events that cause minor changes to the environment, such as a light wind or a light rain. These disturbances are usually short-lived and have minimal impacts on the ecosystem.

Moderate disturbances are events that cause more significant changes to the environment, such as a moderate wind or a moderate rain. These disturbances can have more significant impacts on the ecosystem, such as changes in species composition or changes in the structure of the environment.

Extreme disturbances are events that cause major changes to the environment, such as a strong wind or a heavy rain. These disturbances can have drastic impacts on the ecosystem, such as large-scale changes in species composition or changes in the structure of the environment.