A sum of 5000 naira is shared equally between x girls. One of the girls spends 360 naira. How much does she have left

She has 4,640 naira left.

To find out how much money the girl has left, we first need to determine how much money each girl started with. We know that a sum of 5000 naira was shared equally among x girls. So, to find the original amount each girl had, we divide 5000 by x.

Let's say the girl's share was initially "y" naira. After spending 360 naira, the girl would have y - 360 naira left.

Therefore, the girl would have y - 360 naira left.

However, to find out the value of y, we need to know the value of x (the total number of girls).

If you provide me with the value of x, I can help you calculate the amount of money the girl has left.

To find out how much the girl has left, we need to calculate the share of each girl first.

Since the sum of 5000 naira is shared equally between x girls, we can divide the total amount by the number of girls:

Share per girl = 5000 naira / x

Now, we know that one of the girls spends 360 naira. To find out how much she has left, we subtract the amount she spent from her share:

Amount left = Share per girl - Amount spent

Amount left = (5000 naira / x) - 360 naira