the different between the third term and first term of a geometric progression is 42 if the fourth is greater than the second term by 168. find the first term

Whoever ("answered") is answering these questions immediately and incorrectly is not helping the students one little bit.

Not only that, but my correct solutions, which I had posted with my regular name have been deleted.

Show me a possible title and the factors and setting of:

"The stone walls were tall, the castle of Gazeward: that ancient fortress built into the mountains rock was being overrun, green-skinned orcs hurried through the corridors slaying both men and women and even worse, children. No one was exempt from the black orcish blade. Tyri the king of the dying people, made a resolve to protect his people and die fighting. He fought of six orcs at a time, throwing their lifeless corpses to the ground.
The orcs feared him and would have fled away, but they beheld their leader Iros, coming forward with his magical whip to draw blood from any who fled, the orcs in fear of his savagely attacked the king.
He fought like a true knight but at last, he was thrown down and his head removed. Iros placed it upon a spear shaft and held it aloft so that all might see it."

Title: The Fall of Gazeward Castle: A Battle Against Orcish Invaders

Factors: castle siege, orc attacks, heroism, sacrifice, leadership, magic

Setting: Gazeward Castle, an ancient fortress built into a mountain that is under attack by green-skinned orcs. The orcs are rampaging through the corridors, killing both men and women, and even children are not safe from their black orcish blades. Tyri, the king of the people, is determined to protect his kingdom and fights off multiple orcs at once. However, the orcs are afraid of their leader, Iros, who uses a magical whip to draw blood from those who flee. With Iros leading the charge, the orcs eventually overpower Tyri, behead him, and display his head on a spear shaft for all to see.

Anything else?

The story could also include elements of despair and hopelessness as the castle is being overrun. It could also highlight the bravery and selflessness of other characters who fight alongside Tyri, as well as the people who helped to defend the castle in other ways. The use of magic by Iros could add an interesting element to the story, and could be explored further in terms of how it affects the battle and the characters involved. The fall of Gazeward Castle could ultimately serve as a turning point in the larger conflict between humans and orcs.

What could the possible morales of the story be?


Possible morals of the story could include:

1. Courage and heroism in the face of overwhelming odds
2. The true meaning and cost of leadership and sacrifice
3. The danger of underestimating one's enemies
4. The destructive power of violence and warfare
5. The importance of unity and cooperation in times of crisis
6. The corrupting influence of power and magic
7. The need to find hope even in the darkest moments.

Is the story sad?