Finally, eyes bleary, I went for a walk,

Leaving the car parts behind.
I took in the details of the neighborhood,
The trills and chirps of birds in the trees,
The thick, smoky smell of a grill
Fired up in my neighbor's yard.

Based on the text, which sentence is most likely to be true?

The sounds and smells of the neighborhood distract the narrator from her problem.

The smell of her neighbor's grill makes the narrator realize that she is hungry.

The narrator wishes she could fly away like a bird.
Based on the text, which sentence is most likely to be true?

The sounds and smells of the neighborhood distract the narrator from her problem.

The smell of her neighbor's grill makes the narrator realize that she is hungry.

The narrator wishes she could fly away like a bird.


Based on the given text, the most likely sentence to be true is: "The sounds and smells of the neighborhood distract the narrator from her problem." This conclusion can be drawn from the fact that the narrator mentions taking in the details of the neighborhood, including the trills and chirps of birds, the thick smoky smell of a grill in the neighbor's yard, and going for a walk to leave behind the car parts and potentially escape from her problem. These details suggest that the narrator is engaging with her surroundings and being distracted by the sensory experiences in the neighborhood.

Based on the text, the most likely sentence to be true is: The sounds and smells of the neighborhood distract the narrator from her problem.