Teresa wants to explore the relationship betwwen kinetic energy and potential energy how could she use the innovative problem solving

study the relationship between kinetic and potential energy in her science textbook
follow the instructions of her science teacher for performing and experiment about kinetic and potential energy
find an example of kinetic and potential energy in her own life and create an experiment to illsulstae their relationship
search the internet for ways to show the relation between kinetic and potential energy
I think that it is B am I correct?

which one is B? it’s hard to read the choices on your questions

Sorry about that I think its follow the instruction of her science teacher for performing an experiment about kinetic and potential energy

it’s okay, just try to use punctuation if you can. this will make it easier to read

Yes, you are correct. Option B would be the best way for Teresa to explore the relationship between kinetic energy and potential energy using innovative problem-solving strategies. By following the instructions of her science teacher for performing an experiment about kinetic and potential energy, Teresa can learn about the concepts and observe the relationship firsthand. This approach enables her to apply critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities while studying the topic.