You scored 16 points every game for 5 games. Which situation below would amount to the same total?

A) Giving 5 gifts each to 16 neighbors
B) Making 16 meals in 5 days
C) Making 5 out of 16 shots
D) Splitting a $16 restaurant bill 5 ways

D) Splitting a $16 restaurant bill 5 ways

I Disagree it is option A Giving 5 gifts each to 16 neighbors

cuz remember we are multiplying not dividing.

To determine which situation below would amount to the same total as scoring 16 points every game for 5 games, let's do the calculations step-by-step:

1) Giving 5 gifts each to 16 neighbors:
To calculate the total number of gifts, we multiply the number of gifts given per neighbor by the number of neighbors.
5 gifts x 16 neighbors = 80 gifts

2) Making 16 meals in 5 days:
To calculate the average number of meals made per day, we divide the total number of meals by the number of days.
16 meals / 5 days = 3.2 meals per day

3) Making 5 out of 16 shots:
To determine the shooting percentage, we divide the number of successful shots by the number of total shots and multiply by 100 to get a percentage.
(5 shots / 16 shots) x 100 = 31.25% shooting percentage

4) Splitting a $16 restaurant bill 5 ways:
To calculate each person's share of the bill, we divide the total bill by the number of people.
$16 / 5 people = $3.20 per person

Based on the calculations, the situation that would amount to the same total as scoring 16 points every game for 5 games is option C) Making 5 out of 16 shots.

To find the situation that would amount to the same total as scoring 16 points in 5 games, we need to calculate the total value of each option and see which one equals 80 (16 points multiplied by 5 games).

Let's calculate each option:

A) Giving 5 gifts each to 16 neighbors:

To calculate the total number of gifts, we multiply the number of gifts given per neighbor (5) by the number of neighbors (16):

Total gifts = 5 x 16 = 80

B) Making 16 meals in 5 days:

To calculate the total number of meals, we multiply the number of meals made per day (16) by the number of days (5):

Total meals = 16 x 5 = 80

C) Making 5 out of 16 shots:

This option involves making a fraction of the total shots. To calculate the total shots made, we multiply the total shots attempted (16) by the fraction made (5/16):

Total shots made = 16 x (5/16) = 5

D) Splitting a $16 restaurant bill 5 ways:

To calculate each person's share, we divide the total bill ($16) by the number of people (5):

Each person's share = 16 / 5 = $3.2

After calculating each option, we can see that only Option A and Option B amount to the same total as scoring 16 points in 5 games, which is 80. Therefore, the correct answer is:

B) Making 16 meals in 5 days.