2. Which of the following quotes from The Call of The Wild best demonstrates a central theme?

He must master or be mastered; while to show mercy was a weakness.
He saw, once and for all, that he stood no chance against a man with a club.
Buck stood...the dominant primordial beast who had made his kill...
The ghostly winter silence had given way to the great spring murmur of awakening life.

3. The quote: "Buck felt vaguely that there was no depending on these two men and the woman. They did not know how to do anything." Is an example of:

Indirect characterization
Direct characterization
Rising Action

4. "Dat Buck for sure learn queek as anyt'ing" is an example of what?

point of view

5. Symbolism is:

how the reader learns when the story takes place
descriptions that appeal to the five senses
the author's attitude toward a subject
when a writer uses one thing to represent something abstract.

Read the quotes, then decide whether or not they are examples of symbolism in The Call of the Wild
6. "That club was a revelation. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law."

Is an example of symbolism
In NOT an example of symbolism

7. "Buck took up the duties of leadership, and where judgment was required, and quick thinking and quick acting he showed himself superior even of Spitz, of whom Francois had never seen an equal."

Is an example of symbolism
Is NOT an example of symbolism

8. "At other times this hairy man squatted by the fire with head between his legs and slept. On such occasions his elbows were on his knees, his hands clasped above his head as though to shed rain by the hairy arms."

Is an example of symbolism
Is NOT an example of symbolism

Answer the following questions about plot in The Call of the Wild.

9. When Buck joins a wolf pack after Thornton's death, it is part of which plot element in The Call of The Wild?

rising action

10. Buck and Spitz's fight for leadership is part of which plot element?

rising action

11. Which of the following is NOT a conjunction (aka FANBOY)?

12. Combine the following sentences using a conjunction and the necessary punctuation (think commas...).
You may add extra words for flair!

Elmo tried to sail into the sunset.
The sailboat hit a sandbar.

(Open response)

13. Combine the following sentences using a conjunction and the necessary punctuation. You may add extra words for flair!

Dora and Diego fought over who should carry the map.
The map was old and smelled like feet.

(Open response)

14. In the following sentence, which is the INDEPENDENT clause?

By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene.

the opera singer
By practicing scales in the airport
the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene
By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene.

15. In the following sentence, which is the DEPENDENT clause?

By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene.

the opera singer
By practicing scales in the airport
the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene
By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene.

Vocabulary #1

Perrault put moccasins on Buck's feet to alleviate the pain in his paws after walking on ice.

16. Based on the context of the sentence, what does the word alleviate mean?

to remove
to make better
to celebrate
to harm accidently

Vocabulary #2

Would Buck still derive pleasure from sitting on a couch in California?
17. Based on the context of the sentence above, what does the word derive mean?

to investigate thoroughly
to obtain from a source
to insult or scold
to withdraw support

Vocabulary #3

The thin ice combined with the commands of their masters made the dogs ambivalent about crossing the river.
18. Based on the context of the sentence above, what does the word ambivalent mean?


does anyone know

2. The quote "He must master or be mastered; while to show mercy was a weakness" best demonstrates a central theme in The Call of The Wild. It highlights the idea of survival of the fittest and the harshness of the natural world.

3. The quote "Buck felt vaguely that there was no depending on these two men and the woman. They did not know how to do anything" is an example of indirect characterization. It provides insight into Buck's perception of the characters' lack of competence.

4. "Dat Buck for sure learn queek as anyt'ing" is an example of dialect. It represents the unique speech patterns and language used by certain characters.

5. Symbolism is when a writer uses one thing to represent something abstract. Based on this definition, the quotes provided do not exemplify symbolism.

6. The quote "That club was a revelation. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law" is an example of symbolism. The club represents the power and dominance of humans over animals.

7. The quote "Buck took up the duties of leadership, and where judgment was required, and quick thinking and quick acting he showed himself superior even of Spitz, of whom Francois had never seen an equal" is not an example of symbolism. It primarily focuses on the character's actions and abilities.

8. The quote "At other times this hairy man squatted by the fire with head between his legs and slept. On such occasions his elbows were on his knees, his hands clasped above his head as though to shed rain by the hairy arms" is not an example of symbolism. It describes the physical posture and actions of a character.

9. When Buck joins a wolf pack after Thornton's death, it is part of the rising action in The Call of The Wild. It is a significant event that propels the story forward.

10. Buck and Spitz's fight for leadership is part of the conflict in The Call of The Wild. It creates tension and drives the plot.

11. The word "there" is not a conjunction (aka FANBOY). The conjunctions are "and," "but," "yet," and "so."

12. Elmo tried to sail into the sunset, but the sailboat hit a sandbar.

13. Dora and Diego fought over who should carry the map, which was old and smelled like feet.

14. The independent clause in the sentence "By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene" is "the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene."

15. The dependent clause in the sentence "By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene" is "By practicing scales in the airport."

16. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "alleviate" means "to make better." It implies that putting moccasins on Buck's feet helped reduce the pain he experienced from walking on ice.

17. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "derive" means "to obtain from a source." It refers to whether Buck would still derive pleasure from sitting on a couch in California.

18. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "ambivalent" means "conflicted." The thin ice and the commands of their masters create conflicting feelings and uncertainty in the dogs about crossing the river.

2. To determine which quote from The Call of The Wild best demonstrates a central theme, we need to analyze the options.

The quote "He must master or be mastered; while to show mercy was a weakness" demonstrates the theme of survival and the concept of the law of the wild, where weakness is not tolerated.

The quote "He saw, once and for all, that he stood no chance against a man with a club" demonstrates the theme of power imbalance and the brutal reality of the wild.

The quote "Buck stood...the dominant primordial beast who had made his kill..." demonstrates the theme of primitive instincts and the transformation of Buck into a wild animal.

The quote "The ghostly winter silence had given way to the great spring murmur of awakening life" demonstrates the theme of nature's cycles and the contrast between the harshness of winter and the rejuvenation of spring.

Based on these options, the quote "Buck stood...the dominant primordial beast who had made his kill..." best demonstrates the central theme of primitive instincts and the transformation of Buck.

3. The quote "Buck felt vaguely that there was no depending on these two men and the woman. They did not know how to do anything" is an example of indirect characterization.

Indirect characterization is when the author reveals a character's traits through their actions, thoughts, or interactions, rather than directly stating them. In this quote, Buck's feeling that he cannot depend on the two men and the woman shows that they lack skills and competence.

4. The phrase "Dat Buck for sure learn queek as anyt'ing" is an example of dialect.

Dialect refers to the distinct way of speaking that belongs to a particular region, group, or social class. In this case, the phrase is written to reflect a specific accent or speech pattern, likely representing a character's speech in a non-standard English dialect.

5. Symbolism is when a writer uses one thing to represent something abstract. Let's analyze the example quote to determine if it is an example of symbolism:

"That club was a revelation. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law."

This quote is indeed an example of symbolism. The club represents the power and dominance of humans over animals, as well as the harsh reality of survival in the wild. Through the club, the author symbolizes the imposition of the primitive law and the hierarchy in nature.

6. The quote "That club was a revelation. It was his introduction to the reign of primitive law" is an example of symbolism.

7. The quote "Buck took up the duties of leadership, and where judgment was required, and quick thinking and quick acting he showed himself superior even to Spitz, of whom Francois had never seen an equal" is not an example of symbolism.

8. The quote "At other times this hairy man squatted by the fire with head between his legs and slept. On such occasions his elbows were on his knees, his hands clasped above his head as though to shed rain by the hairy arms" is not an example of symbolism.

9. When Buck joins a wolf pack after Thornton's death, it is part of the rising action in The Call of the Wild.

Rising action refers to the events and conflicts that occur after the exposition (which sets up the story) and lead up to the climax (the highest point of tension in the story). Buck joining a wolf pack is a significant event that occurs in the middle of the story and contributes to the development of the plot and the challenges faced by the main character.

10. Buck and Spitz's fight for leadership is part of the rising action in The Call of the Wild.

11. "There" is not a conjunction (aka FANBOY). The conjunctions (FANBOYS) are: and, but, yet, so.

12. Combined sentence: Elmo tried to sail into the sunset, but the sailboat hit a sandbar.

13. Combined sentence: Dora and Diego fought over who should carry the old and smelly map.

14. In the following sentence, the INDEPENDENT clause is: "By practicing scales in the airport, the opera singer contributed to the chaotic scene."

15. In the following sentence, the DEPENDENT clause is: "By practicing scales in the airport."

Vocabulary #1

16. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "alleviate" means to make better.

Vocabulary #2

17. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "derive" means to obtain from a source.

Vocabulary #3

18. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "ambivalent" means conflicted.

“Sorry Link, I can’t give credit. Come back when you’re a little mmm… richer.” -Morshu