give me a story about a bear driving a truck eating cheese that has a duck friend

Once upon a time, there was a bear named Bob who loved to drive his truck. He would take it out for long drives in the countryside, and he always had a big block of cheese with him.

One day, Bob was driving along and he noticed a duck waddling alongside the road. He stopped the truck and offered the duck a ride. The duck happily hopped in and Bob continued on his journey.

The two became fast friends, and Bob would always share his cheese with the duck. They would drive around, talking and laughing, and the duck would often help Bob navigate the roads.

One day, Bob and the duck were driving along when they came across a river. Bob was worried that the truck wouldn't make it across, but the duck assured him that it would be fine.

Bob drove the truck across the river, and the duck cheered him on from the passenger seat. When they reached the other side, Bob and the duck celebrated with a big block of cheese.

From then on, Bob and the duck were inseparable. They would take long drives together, eating cheese and enjoying each other's company.
