Below is a food web from an ocean ecosystem in Monterey Bay, off the coast of california.

Which two of the following arrows show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer?

the arrow between the phytoplankton and the zooplankton

the arrow between the kelp and the sea urchin

the arrow between the zooplankton and the plainfin midshipman

the arrow between the sea otter and the orca

the arrow between the zooplankton and the kelp bass

The arrow between the phytoplankton and the zooplankton, and the arrow between the kelp and the sea urchin.

To determine which two arrows show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer in the given food web, we need to understand the roles of primary consumers and secondary consumers.

Primary consumers are organisms that directly feed on primary producers (such as plants or phytoplankton) and are usually herbivores or filter feeders. Secondary consumers, on the other hand, are organisms that feed on primary consumers.

Let's analyze the arrows one by one:

- The arrow between the phytoplankton and the zooplankton: This arrow represents matter moving from a primary producer (phytoplankton) to a primary consumer (zooplankton), not from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer. Therefore, it does not show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer.

- The arrow between the kelp and the sea urchin: This arrow represents matter moving from a primary producer (kelp) to a primary consumer (sea urchin), not from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer. Therefore, it does not show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer.

- The arrow between the zooplankton and the plainfin midshipman: This arrow represents matter moving from a primary consumer (zooplankton) to a secondary consumer (plainfin midshipman). This transfer of matter from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer fulfills the requirement. Therefore, this arrow shows matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer.

- The arrow between the sea otter and the orca: This arrow represents matter moving between two top-level consumers (apex predators). Since both the sea otter and the orca are not primary or secondary consumers, this arrow does not show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer.

- The arrow between the zooplankton and the kelp bass: This arrow represents matter moving from a primary consumer (zooplankton) to a secondary consumer (kelp bass). This transfer of matter fulfills the requirement. Therefore, this arrow shows matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer.

In conclusion, the two arrows that show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer in the given food web are:
1. The arrow between the zooplankton and the plainfin midshipman.
2. The arrow between the zooplankton and the kelp bass.

The two arrows that show matter moving from a primary consumer to a secondary consumer in the given food web are:

1. The arrow between the phytoplankton and the zooplankton
2. The arrow between the zooplankton and the plainfin midshipman