what did Doodle in The Scarlet Ibis

In The Scarlet Ibis, Doodle is a disabled brother of the narrator. He is born with a physical disability and is not expected to live very long. Despite this, the narrator works hard to help Doodle learn to walk and do other physical activities. In the end, Doodle is able to walk and even run, but he eventually dies from a heart condition.

In the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, Doodle is the younger brother of the narrator. He is born with physical disabilities and is described as weak, pale, and unable to walk. Throughout the story, Doodle's older brother is determined to teach him to walk and be "normal" despite the challenges they face.

However, it is important to note that Doodle is not an active character in terms of taking specific actions or making choices. He serves as a catalyst for the emotions and actions of the narrator. The story primarily focuses on the narrator's feelings and motivations regarding Doodle, including love, guilt, and ultimately, regret.

In the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, Doodle, the younger brother of the narrator, is portrayed as a physically disabled and fragile child. Here are some of the things that Doodle does throughout the story:

1. Doodle is unable to walk at the age of five, which causes his family to be concerned about his ability to function independently.
2. The narrator, Doodle's older brother, takes it upon himself to teach Doodle how to walk. He sets up a rigorous training program to improve Doodle's strength and mobility.
3. Doodle shows determination and perseverance as he works tirelessly to overcome his physical limitations and fulfill his brother's expectations.
4. Despite his physical struggles, Doodle demonstrates a strong will and a desire to please his brother. He eagerly participates in the training exercises and pushes himself to the brink of exhaustion.
5. Over time, Doodle's efforts begin to pay off, and he gradually gains strength and coordination. He takes small steps, with his brother's encouragement, and eventually manages to walk short distances.
6. Doodle's progress is temporarily hindered by a setback when he falls ill with a fever. However, he quickly recovers and resumes his training with even greater determination.
7. As the story progresses, Doodle develops a sense of adventure and companionship with his brother. They explore the surrounding countryside together, and Doodle is fascinated by nature and the beauty of the world around them.
8. Tragically, towards the end of the story, a storm approaches while the brothers are far away from home. Doodle, exhausted and struggling to keep up, collapses. In a fit of anger and frustration, the narrator leaves Doodle behind, resulting in a devastating outcome.
Overall, Doodle's character in "The Scarlet Ibis" is portrayed as a brave and resilient young boy who works tirelessly to overcome his physical limitations.