Claim: In the United States, we still need a post office.

Which of the following is NOT a good piece of evidence to support this claim?
The post office is needed for the delivery of packages.
Nearly 90% of mail is junk mail and throwing it away is bad for the environment.
The post office serves Americans throughout the country

, regardless of their location.

The post office is a major employer in the United States.

The statement "Nearly 90% of mail is junk mail and throwing it away is bad for the environment" is NOT a good piece of evidence to support the claim that we still need a post office in the United States.

To evaluate the evidence, we need to consider whether it directly supports the claim that a post office is still necessary. While it is true that a significant portion of mail consists of junk mail, this statement does not explain why we still need a post office. It focuses on one aspect of mail, rather than addressing the broader functions and services provided by the post office.

In order to find stronger evidence supporting the claim, we can look for supporting facts that directly relate to the functions and importance of the post office. For example, evidence such as the post office's role in delivering packages or serving Americans throughout the country would directly support the claim.

The statement "Nearly 90% of mail is junk mail and throwing it away is bad for the environment" is NOT a good piece of evidence to support the claim that we still need a post office in the United States.