which of the following choices is a strategy that could help with time management

answers for connexus unit 5 lesson 1

1. D
2. B
3. C

anonymous is right

To determine which choice is a strategy that could help with time management, let's take a look at the options and explain how they can assist in managing time effectively:

1. Prioritizing tasks: This strategy involves identifying and categorizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. By prioritizing tasks, you can focus on completing the most critical ones first, ensuring efficient time allocation.

2. Using a calendar or planner: Employing a calendar or planner allows you to schedule and allocate time for various activities, making it easier to manage your tasks. By visually seeing your commitments and deadlines, you can plan your time effectively.

3. Breaking tasks into smaller chunks: When facing a large or complex task, breaking it down into smaller, more manageable parts can help in better time management. By focusing on one task at a time, you prevent feeling overwhelmed and increase productivity.

4. Setting goals and deadlines: Establishing clear goals and deadlines can provide structure and motivation. By defining your objectives and timeframe, you can prioritize accordingly and work towards achieving your goals within specific timeframes.

5. Minimizing distractions: This strategy involves identifying and eliminating or reducing distractions that commonly hinder productivity. By managing interruptions, such as turning off notifications or finding a quiet workspace, you can enhance your ability to focus and optimize time usage.

Now that we have evaluated the options, the strategy that can help with time management is "prioritizing tasks." By prioritizing, you can better allocate your time to the most important and urgent tasks, ensuring higher productivity and effective time management.

Setting priorities, breaking tasks into smaller chunks, creating a schedule, delegating tasks, and using time-tracking tools.