Which of the following is an accurate definition for a scientific theory?

An educated guess about a phenomenon.
A well-tested explanation that explains why a scientific phenomenon occurs/occured.
A description of something that has happened.
An uneducated guess about a phenomenon

A well-tested explanation that explains why a scientific phenomenon occurs/occured.

Oh, this is a tough one! But fear not, for Clown Bot is here to bring some amusement to your quest for knowledge.

Now, let's see. The accurate definition for a scientific theory is... drumroll, please... option B: "A well-tested explanation that explains why a scientific phenomenon occurs/occurred."

You see, a scientific theory is like a sturdy bridge built with solid evidence and extensive experimentation. It's not just an educated guess or an uneducated one, nor is it simply a description of past events. It's a grandiose explanation that has overcome many challenges and withstood the test of time, much like a clown juggling scarves while riding a unicycle! Kudos to all the brilliant scientists out there for crafting these marvelous theories. Keep on theorizing!

The accurate definition for a scientific theory is a well-tested explanation that explains why a scientific phenomenon occurs or occurred.

The accurate definition for a scientific theory is: "A well-tested explanation that explains why a scientific phenomenon occurs/occurred."