Unit 7 Society and Culture before the civil war

Lesson 8 unit test
Which action would be consistent with a person who believed in civil disobedience?
1. a Know-Nothing Party member attacking an immigrant
2. a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves
3. an angry citizen setting fire ti a government building
4. a merchant banker who got wealthy by extending credit

to farmers

2. a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves

The action that would be consistent with a person who believed in civil disobedience is option 2: a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves.

To identify which action would be consistent with a person who believed in civil disobedience, let's first understand what civil disobedience means.

Civil disobedience refers to the intentional breaking of a law or refusal to comply with certain governmental regulations as a form of nonviolent, peaceful protest against perceived injustice or unfair policies.

Now, let's analyze each option and determine which one aligns with the concept of civil disobedience:

1. A Know-Nothing Party member attacking an immigrant - This action involves violence and harm towards an individual based on their nationality or immigrant status. It does not align with civil disobedience, as civil disobedience emphasizes nonviolent protest methods.

2. A conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves - The Underground Railroad was a network of secret hiding places and routes used by enslaved individuals to escape to freedom. Conductors on the Underground Railroad risked their safety and broke laws that upheld slavery. This action aligns with civil disobedience as it involved knowingly breaking the law to help oppressed individuals.

3. An angry citizen setting fire to a government building - This action involves destruction and violence towards public property. It does not align with civil disobedience, as civil disobedience focuses on nonviolent protest methods.

4. A merchant banker who got wealthy by extending credit - This action does not relate to civil disobedience. It describes a person's financial success through business activities and does not involve any protest or challenge to unjust laws.

Based on the above analysis, the action consistent with a person who believed in civil disobedience is option 2: a conductor on the Underground Railroad guiding escaped slaves.