a barney like character that was the color black and was a pirate.

Captain Blackbeard.

The character you are describing is Captain Hook from the children's book and animated television series called "Jake and the Never Land Pirates." Captain Hook is a villainous pirate who wears a black outfit and is known for his iconic hook hand. He is the primary nemesis of the young protagonist, Jake, and his crew. While he may have similar qualities to Barney (the friendly purple dinosaur character), Captain Hook is portrayed as more mischievous and cunning. He consistently tries to outsmart Jake and his friends in their adventures on the magical island of Never Land.

To find information about characters like Captain Hook, here are the steps you can take:

1. Perform an online search: Use search engines like Google or Bing to look for keywords such as "black pirate character" or "Captain Hook from Jake and the Never Land Pirates." This will provide you with various sources and images related to the character.

2. Check official sources: Visit the official website or social media pages of the show or book you are interested in. They usually have detailed character descriptions, images, and background information.

3. Visit fan forums or fan pages: There are dedicated communities and forums where fans discuss various characters. Searching for discussion threads about pirate characters or Captain Hook specifically can help you find more information and engage with other fans who share the same interest.

Remember, while searching for specific characters, it's always essential to verify the information from reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

Creating a character that resembles Barney, is colored black, and is a pirate can be fun! Let's break down the design process into steps:

Step 1: Determine the Character's Personality and Traits
Decide on the character's behavior, speech pattern, and unique attributes. As a pirate, this character could be adventurous, lively, and love exploring.

Step 2: Physical Appearance
Since you mentioned a black-colored character, we can go for a friendly pirate with a black, furry exterior. Add a touch of pirate flair, such as an eyepatch, gold hoop earrings, and a captain's hat.

Step 3: Outfit and Accessories
Give attention to the character's attire. Dress them in a pirate-themed outfit, like a ragged shirt, worn-out pants, and a belt with a large buckle. Add boots or sandals that are suitable for their adventures. Don't forget a trusty pirate's sword or a treasure chest.

Step 4: Voice and Speech Patterns
Decide on how the character speaks. You could go with a friendly and animated voice, similar to Barney, but with a pirate twist. Incorporate pirate slang and phrases into the character's dialogue.

Step 5: Backstory
Develop a backstory to give your character depth. For example, your pirate could have once been a captain searching for lost treasures, but ended up being a friendly explorer who loves sharing stories and songs with others.

Step 6: Name
Choose a suitable name for your character. Consider options like "Blackbeard Barney" or "Captain Charcoal."

Remember, these steps are just a starting point. Feel free to get creative and modify any aspect of the character to suit your vision. Enjoy bringing your black, pirate-inspired character to life!