How did the development of a complex language help Homo sapiens survive?

It allowed them to make very complex tools.

It encouraged them to move to new places.

It enabled them to hunt in different areas.

It permitted them to exchange information.

It allowed them to cooperate and form social networks.

It enabled them to communicate and share ideas, which helped them to develop new technologies and strategies for survival.


The correct answer is: It permitted them to exchange information.

The development of a complex language enabled Homo sapiens to exchange information, which was crucial for their survival. By communicating with one another, they could share knowledge about hunting techniques, food sources, and local dangers. This allowed them to work together more effectively, adapt to new environments, and pass down valuable information from one generation to the next. This exchange of information was a key factor in their ability to survive and thrive as a species.

The correct answer is: It permitted them to exchange information.


The development of a complex language played a crucial role in the survival of Homo sapiens because it allowed them to exchange and convey information in a more efficient and detailed manner. Here's how:

1. Communication: A complex language enabled Homo sapiens to effectively communicate with each other. They could share knowledge, experiences, and information about various aspects of their environment including hunting techniques, food sources, and potential dangers. This enhanced communication and sharing of information contributed to their ability to survive and adapt to different environments.

2. Cooperation: Language enabled Homo sapiens to coordinate their activities and work together in groups. They could plan and execute complex tasks such as hunting, gathering food, building shelters, and defending against predators. Effective communication facilitated coordination, which improved their chances of survival in challenging situations.

3. Knowledge Transfer: Language allowed Homo sapiens to pass knowledge from one generation to the next. This meant that valuable information and skills accumulated over time could be preserved and passed down, enabling future generations to build upon existing knowledge. This transmission of knowledge helped in adapting to changing environments and increasing their survival capabilities.

4. Cultural Development: Complex language also facilitated the development of culture. Through language, stories, myths, traditions, and knowledge were shared, preserving the collective wisdom of the group. This cultural development played a role in strengthening social bonds, facilitating cooperation, and contributing to the survival and prosperity of Homo sapiens.

Therefore, the ability to exchange information through a complex language was a vital factor in the survival of Homo sapiens.